Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Will I make it to heaven if I speak my mind
God is looking down on me from On High

You're watching over me from on high
Give me the strength to Exemplify
The spirit of these crazy times
Through song and dance until I die

When do I stop asking why
And spread my wings so I can fly
Get down on my knees and pray
Thank the Lord for this new day

I said representation from my head
Exemplification - electronic device will play it
Simplification for a complicated nation - almost dead
Fill my empty soul with your love
Make me something to be proud of

They keep pulling the rug out from under me
But I always end up on my feet

I'm so desperate for your light
Often darkness is hard to fight
How much longer will I be
Stuck in this bleached blonde vessel - ME

Sat down to have a glass of wine
Now I'm not gonna make it to the church on time...

It's always about the lack of money
Fear and anger - constant longing
Why am I such a hypocrite
Sometimes I get so mad I spit
Last summer I almost died
But about that - not once did I cry
Cuz you lookin' down on me
From On High
Stop being a pussy - man up bitch
Life is tough - get over it
Life's tough motha fucka get over it
I just want my piece of the pie
When should I stop asking why
Atone - Repent angel that fell
Or get a one way ticket straight to hell

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


Jonsona wanted to be the cream of the crop
But everything I did was a big fat flop
But that time it goes by so damn fast
Enjoy every moment as if it were your last

Self absorbed - narcissistic
That's the way it works when your artistic
Maybe one day (when I'm lying in the casket)
My disappointment (no longer have to mask it)

Wipe away the tears you stupid ho
I'm not just your average joe schmo
I guess we reap what we sow
I wipe away the past and I
Let it go

I guess it's time to repent - not much to lose
Tons of money spent
For approval I had a great thirst
But nobody cared - my bubble burst

Maybe sometimes I got political
Just wanted people to wake the fuck up
Dollar almost dead - is it time to move on
Fear and anger from dusk till dawn

Everyone get's their acceptance
But I was just told to shut up
Get up - dust yourself off blonde ho
I don't care no more


Jonsona singin' bout the crazy world
Often times make me want to hurl
All seeing eye - Jonsona legacy
The state of the world has disappointed me
Fuck the past - let's hope for a future
Slummin' on this planet
Let it go - is the only way
Will I get to heaven - Earth is reekin' like a dead cat
Lettin' it go - that is where it's at
Watchin' the everyday ebb and flow
Nothin' left to do but to


Must let it go if I wanna be happy
Indiana boy is gettin' kinda sappy
That time it goes by so damn fast
Enjoy every moment as if it were your last


From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013TM


Blue sky - Sunshine
Bathe my soul
Foot on the gas - let the radio flo
Let it go - gonna free my mind
Leave that darkness far behind

Flyin' blind - leave my troubles behind
Get away - from the daily grind
Fried blonde hair blowin' in the wind
Don't want this moment to ever end

Turn up the volume - let the radio flo
Erase from my heart - all the sorrowful woes


I thank you great light - for the ability
To see
The unconditional love
You have bestowed upon me
Almighty - GOD


Take your calloused foot off of the gas
Rest your weary overworked ass
Gonna take a nice long ride
Set the cruise control - set the speed on high

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


Sometimes our words - cut like a knife
But without you - I'd never had life
So much alike - but so different
Many years estranged - miles away

You're a part of me
I'm a part of you
Always know - I love you
Papa - Papa
I never meant
to wrong you

I know we didn't always get along
But I wouldn't be me without you
That's why I wrote this song
Always know I love you

From the Jonsona album - Exepmlify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertianment 2013TM


So you don't like my voice
Cover my mouth to stop the noise
So you don't like my fake blonde hair
You've made it so I just don't care
So I go to my safe place
It's in my mind - that's where I find...

(chorus ONE)
So you
Caress my beautiful face
It's here to stay - never go away
Then suddenly I awake to your cruel words
But I won't break

So you don't like my disease
I won't let it define me
At times I long to be
Out of this body - to be free
So you don't like my eyes
Cold and gray to disguise

So you
Put your claws in my heart
Tare it apart
Even from afar - and you
Try to dim my light
But I won't give up without a fight

So you don't like the way I walk
So you don't like the way I talk
You seem to get off on making me sad
Make me feel like a stain on a mattress pad

One day you'll regret all you said
When I'm lying in the hospital bed
Please don't wait until it's too late
After I'm gone - cold and dead

So you haven't changed
I think it's time for me to say
I'm gonna set you  free
The time has come to take care of me


I'm free

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


Soft Wet
You can use me and I'll use you
Don't fret - I bet
It won't take me long to get to you

Lips Chest
Some of the attributes I like best
Would you like it slow or fast
You could eat dinner off that ass

Chemical sweat
hold on I'm not quite finished yet
Sweet Climax
Male cougar pounce - I'm your love cadet


So I met you in this bar
Perfect strangers but we can go far
You bought me lots of shots
You kissed my face
Now let's get in our cars and go to your place


We're here - Taste my salt
If you're not satisfied - it's not my fault
Use the safe word
It's the only thing that will make me hault


Let's just skip the date - I'm not hungry anyway
Can you spell copulate - I'm so anxious to play
Please don't pretend to be puttin' up a fight
Make those underwear take flight

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM

When I was young I was fucked up
Maybe I just had bad luck
Childhood damage took years to fix
Pathetic behavior made me sick

Doctor Doctor - Tell me all about it
Take the pills - You can't live without it
I'd like to comply but I have no money
You got some insurance for me honey

All I wanted was romantic love
Monogamous companion
Wasn't in the cards for me
So I was slutty - shame on me

I guess I'm too stubborn to die
So I just keep asking why

I'm a good person - I have a big heart
Wanted to give love - But I fell apart
By the time I was 30
I just gave up
So I became an incredible slut
I don't think I deserve to die
Because I made a few mistakes
But many in this world think I do
Because of hate

Keep hearing about a cure
It's just getting beyond absurd
Big pharma won't let that happen
Too much money to make honey


From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


May I suggest you put down your iPhone
Look into the eyes of the ones that you know
Give a nod of mutual respect
Have we all forgotten the human factor
What happened to the sound of friendly laughter 

Respect for the working man
Is that something else the government banned
Cameras - Surveillance
It's everywhere
Main stream media - a tool to scare

When will it all end - Will you be my friend


What will it take for people to wake up
Most of the headlines are just made up
20% truth - 80% lies
Those elite folks just want us to die

Or to be their slaves
It's time to be brave
(we need some true heroes up in this bitch)

Hold the door open for that patron
Let the car pass - Help a stranger
Give that nod of recognition
Recognize the human condition

Can we stop all of the hatred
Band together for the good of every human
We are all one

When did money become more important
Than the beautiful gift of life
That our heavenly father gave to us - like no other

In many roads traveled - I'm increasingly baffled
By the entitled acting public
If you want respect - you earn it

Love thy neighbor as thyself
Treat everyone as you want to be treated
There is power in numbers
Will we make it I wonder

Is there hope - can we stop the hate
Let's start now before it's too late

Are we really gonna bow down
And give up our freedom
To the global elite bastards

(chorus to end)

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by  Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


Niiiight traiiiiiin
I'm all alone again - Horny as hell
Well fuck it - Gonna go downtown
Have a few Cosmos

It's 2002 - Here I am in Cleveland Ohio
Young Horny Single
Another year unescorted

At home - horny - all alone
Guess I'll catch the night train
Night Train

I hope I fed my cats - No one is flirting with me
Of to the quote unquote health club
I hope I don't get mugged

It's 4am
Guess I'll take a swim
Walking in this building naked
Hi - meet me in room 7


You got a condom - sorry I'm so drunk
I give the nod - No words exchanged
Yes, you can tie me up

Damn - the trains aren't running yet
Here I am - it's 5am
Walking across this bridge again
Walk of shame - used tail between my legs
I can't wait to see my cats
I hope I fed them
I think I'll get an egg mcmuffin
I said muffin

(chorus to end)

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM


I never asked to be in this world
The future is grim for all the boys and girls
Please take away that television
I can no longer bare the Dissension

Repbublican - Demorcrat
Why is everyone so full of crap
Keep on believing the lies
Then prepare to die

I will die a free man
I'm not a fan

You can take my blood
Corrupt Washington trolls
Here comes the great flood
You'll never get my soul

Maybe we need a John Connor
To save all the children
From all of the dishonor


Dear US Presidents
I enjoyed your act
I take everything you say
as 100% fact
Oh wait
You had an amazing script
Very well written
Buy like your promises
My heart is broken
Why are your goons
at my front door
Militarized Police
Smash my head to the floor
All I wanted was for things to get better
For me and my family
Looks like rough weather

Ahead of us all
But I am no longer blind
My blood you can take
But this soul is mine


I will die free
A slave I won't be
To all of the innocent children
We are so sorry

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013TM