Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Niiiight traiiiiiin
I'm all alone again - Horny as hell
Well fuck it - Gonna go downtown
Have a few Cosmos

It's 2002 - Here I am in Cleveland Ohio
Young Horny Single
Another year unescorted

At home - horny - all alone
Guess I'll catch the night train
Night Train

I hope I fed my cats - No one is flirting with me
Of to the quote unquote health club
I hope I don't get mugged

It's 4am
Guess I'll take a swim
Walking in this building naked
Hi - meet me in room 7


You got a condom - sorry I'm so drunk
I give the nod - No words exchanged
Yes, you can tie me up

Damn - the trains aren't running yet
Here I am - it's 5am
Walking across this bridge again
Walk of shame - used tail between my legs
I can't wait to see my cats
I hope I fed them
I think I'll get an egg mcmuffin
I said muffin

(chorus to end)

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM

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