Wednesday, April 15, 2015


May I suggest you put down your iPhone
Look into the eyes of the ones that you know
Give a nod of mutual respect
Have we all forgotten the human factor
What happened to the sound of friendly laughter 

Respect for the working man
Is that something else the government banned
Cameras - Surveillance
It's everywhere
Main stream media - a tool to scare

When will it all end - Will you be my friend


What will it take for people to wake up
Most of the headlines are just made up
20% truth - 80% lies
Those elite folks just want us to die

Or to be their slaves
It's time to be brave
(we need some true heroes up in this bitch)

Hold the door open for that patron
Let the car pass - Help a stranger
Give that nod of recognition
Recognize the human condition

Can we stop all of the hatred
Band together for the good of every human
We are all one

When did money become more important
Than the beautiful gift of life
That our heavenly father gave to us - like no other

In many roads traveled - I'm increasingly baffled
By the entitled acting public
If you want respect - you earn it

Love thy neighbor as thyself
Treat everyone as you want to be treated
There is power in numbers
Will we make it I wonder

Is there hope - can we stop the hate
Let's start now before it's too late

Are we really gonna bow down
And give up our freedom
To the global elite bastards

(chorus to end)

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by  Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM

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