Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Blue sky - Sunshine
Bathe my soul
Foot on the gas - let the radio flo
Let it go - gonna free my mind
Leave that darkness far behind

Flyin' blind - leave my troubles behind
Get away - from the daily grind
Fried blonde hair blowin' in the wind
Don't want this moment to ever end

Turn up the volume - let the radio flo
Erase from my heart - all the sorrowful woes


I thank you great light - for the ability
To see
The unconditional love
You have bestowed upon me
Almighty - GOD


Take your calloused foot off of the gas
Rest your weary overworked ass
Gonna take a nice long ride
Set the cruise control - set the speed on high

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015TM

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