Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I never asked to be in this world
The future is grim for all the boys and girls
Please take away that television
I can no longer bare the Dissension

Repbublican - Demorcrat
Why is everyone so full of crap
Keep on believing the lies
Then prepare to die

I will die a free man
I'm not a fan

You can take my blood
Corrupt Washington trolls
Here comes the great flood
You'll never get my soul

Maybe we need a John Connor
To save all the children
From all of the dishonor


Dear US Presidents
I enjoyed your act
I take everything you say
as 100% fact
Oh wait
You had an amazing script
Very well written
Buy like your promises
My heart is broken
Why are your goons
at my front door
Militarized Police
Smash my head to the floor
All I wanted was for things to get better
For me and my family
Looks like rough weather

Ahead of us all
But I am no longer blind
My blood you can take
But this soul is mine


I will die free
A slave I won't be
To all of the innocent children
We are so sorry

From the Jonsona album - Exemplify
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2013TM

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